Jan 5, 2010

Cesar Millan & Ice Cream - Again!

In my last post I talked about Dog Whisperer ice cream - Cesar Millan and ice cream connections. Not long after writing that I found myself watching another show in the series and Cesar made a reference to ice cream. What a coincidence!

Cesar didn't talk about giving ice cream to his dogs or anything like that ... no, he was referring to someone whom he was trying to help handle his dog better. The man (Nate) impressed Cesar so much by his enthusiasm to learn and then get on with implementing the new techniques that Cesar got excited, smiled and said to the camera ...

"He's like a kid who did his homework and he's gonna get ice cream!"

I thought that was a wonderful analogy. Adults, dogs, kids and ice cream all rolled into one. Cesar you could become a real philosopher at this rate! Great stuff :)

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Jan 2, 2010

Dog Whisperer Ice Cream

One of the best reality tv shows I have ever seen has to be 'The Dog Whisperer' with Cesar Millan. When you first watch it you might be tempted to think ... so there's a family with a dog that has issues; what's special about that? Well, of course there's nothing special about it - it's the man who solves the problem that's special. The more you watch the show the more you realise what an innate sense of 'being in the moment' Cesar possesses. What's more, he claims that dogs live like that - they are able to let go of the past and just deal with the present moment which is why they can be rehabilitated. Fascinating!

So what's this got to do with ice cream?

Well, it's my view that anyone who believes in living for the moment and is passionate about life is likely to enjoy ice cream ... because ice cream is an intense 'being in the moment' experience. Did you ever see anyone eating an ice cream that didn't smile if they catch you looking at them? That's what 'being in the moment' is all about!

Back to Cesar Millan - does he like ice cream?

YES he does. His favorite is Butter Pecan.
He was asked the question by a little girl called Sonny Milo - see this and her other questions listed on Cesar's website here.

My Butter Pecan ice cream recipe is currently #1 on Google so there's every chance that one day Cesar just might chance upon it - you never know! It's one of the most popular downloads on the entire ice-cream-recipes.com website - moreover, it's one of my favorites too.

Keep up the good work Cesar - I'm a big 'Dog Whisperer' fan!

Above photo:
Cesar with Daddy at a book signing courtesy of

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