Cool Clown
Individual sculpture, 1 serving.

- Tub of vanilla ice cream (size of tub will depend upon the number of servings you want to create)
- Colored jelly triangles (for clothes) – from the cake making dept
of most supermarkets
image to enlarge)
- Edible ‘flying saucers’ (children’s sweets) – we chose pink ones
- Liquorice - black or red laces type for hair, black for eyebrows, red for mouth
- Green ‘Apple Stripes’ (apple flavor jelly strips) – for
arms, tie
- Glacé cherry (for nose)
- Cocktail umbrella
- Silver balls (from the cake making dept of most supermarkets) for eyes & plate decoration
- 1 large plate plus smaller plate on which to serve the sculpture - to be chilled in the freezer before starting.
Note: the number of smaller plates will need to correspond to how many servings/sculptures you want to make.
- Sharp knife for shaping the ice cream and cutting the licorice and Apple Stripes
- Ice cream scoop
- A jug of hot, boiled water to dip the ice cream scoop and knife in to make scooping/cutting easier
Remember: when working on a sculpture keep putting it back into the freezer about every 5 minutes to prevent it from melting and to retain its firm shape.
The shape of the body
Take the tub of ice cream and the large chilled plate from the freezer.
Hold the bottom of the ice cream tub under running, warm tap water in order to loosen the ice cream from the sides and then tip out onto the large chilled plate.
Using a sharp knife cut out a thin block in the shape of the body of the clown and place it upon the smaller chilled plate. Place a single scoop of ice cream at the top of the body for the head.
Decoration and features
Place the jelly triangles all over the body to create a colorful costume.
Take the different licorices and cut into strips for the clowns arms and tie (green Apple Stripes), then hair (black or red licorice strips), eyes (black) and mouth (red). Place them all gently where required as per the picture along with 2 silver balls, 1 for each eye and 2 'flying saucers' for his feet. Place the cocktail umbrella carefully into the ice cream at the bottom of one of his arms.
Important: You can choose other types of sweets or food for the decoration of this sculpture - just use your imagination!